Sunday 13 May 2012


(noun): A person interested in eating food locally produced, not moved long distances to a market.
This would apply to anyone concerned about sustainability and eco-conciousness.

Normally, much of the food that you find at a chain market travels thousands of miles on a truck before getting to the market, causing excessive use of gas and creation of pollution.

Shopping at farmer's markets not only supports local farmers (by cutting out the middleman), but also cuts down unnecessary wastes of natural resources. By definition, "local" food is within a 100 mile radius, which is much less compared to 1,000 miles. There's less time travel between the item to the customer, ensuring maximum freshness.

I love shopping at farmer's markets. I've gotten THE BEST strawberries at the East Hollywod Farmer's Market. It's great to know you're supporting your local community AND receive awesome quality produce at the same time.

The weather is warming up, and it's definitely a great time to visit your local farmer's market. Plus you gotta love all the free samples :)

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